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Postpartum Depression

About 22% of women in India suffer from postpartum depression. Most of the women feel sad after the delivery and it goes away within 3-5 days but if you feel sad and hopeless for more than 2 weeks then it is considered as post-partum depression

How can we identify the symptoms?

  • Anxiety, guilt, anger, mood swings, feeling depressed
  • feels unattached to the baby
  • Loss of sleep and concentration
  • Fatigue or loss of appetite
  • crying a lot, withdrawing from friends and families
  • Not interested to do anything

Who is likely to get postpartum depression?

  • Women having an early pregnancy who are younger than 20 years of age
  • Women suffering from relationship problems
  • History of depression in the family

Untreated postpartum depression can be dangerous for new moms and their children.

When a new mom should seek professional help :

  • Symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks
  • They can’t cope up  with their everyday situations
  • They can’t lead normal daily functions
  • They’re feeling extremely anxious, scared almost through –out  the day
  • They have thoughts of harming their own baby or themselves 


  • If you already had a history of depression and planning to become pregnant, then consult your consultant and inform them about the problems that you are suffering from
  • Do not stay alone and take enough rest sleep when your baby is sleeping
  • Practice exercise and yoga
  • Share your feelings and thoughts with your partner/spouse or with your family member

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